The year 2018 was a legit rollercoaster with many dips, supreme heights and has gone by in a flash. I cannot believe the fact that I actually achieved some of the things I had dreamt about as a child. But it wasn't just me to be honest, it was my mother and her unconditional support that I received throughout this particular phase of my life. It was surreal to tick off many things of my check list and that to just at the age of 22. I still relive all of those moments in my mind and in a way, all the adventures, struggle and pain, just makes me believe that there is more that I can do, the potential is never ending and if I take just a step forward, something far more than imagination will take place and it will be worth every effort I've ever put in. Just like this adventure of mine. If I wouldn't have taken a break after my Bachelors to figure things out and put in effort to make dreams into reality, I wouldn't be a Masters degree holder from an Internat...