"A small girl since the age of 7 years old would always sit next to her mother whenever her mother would get ready before going out for any family event. She would always wonder why did her mother put lipstick? The child was very intrigued and wanted to try that colorful stick on her lips. But her mother would never allow her to do that. Being the inquisitive child she was, she would always ask the reason for it and she would always get the same answer that lipsticks are just for adults and it would spoil her rosy pink lips. The child couldn't really do much about it and thought that maybe it just wasn't for her." Might be wondering who that child is? Well that child is ME. From a very young age and even till now I've never been much into makeup except for lipsticks. Being from a strict convent school in Mumbai, at such a young age we weren't allowed to use any makeup. It was embedded in our minds that lipsticks are for the elders and not for us and ...