
Showing posts from May, 2017


You were born as a princess/prince. Treated as the gem of your family. You were pampered. You were encouraged. You were dependent. Most importantly you were and are still loved. All of these things happened with each and everyone of us,irrespective of the fact whether you are a girl or a boy.  A time always arrives that we grow up but we are yet supported by our loved ones. And that will continue till your last breathe. But along with growing up you also have to detach yourself slightly and be independent. Take the hard road and learn about yourself and face the challenges life throws your way. Even though you may have someone to lean on to but learn to be alone in this crowded world. If I can express everything in just one word it would be that you should be your own "ROCKSTAR"   Deal with this world on your own accord. Don't fall a victim to fancy instagram world people have created. Because let me tell you, their life seems all glamorous but just like...


ā€œWhat you've done becomes the judge of what youā€™re going to do ā€“ especially in other peopleā€™s minds. When youā€™re traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People donā€™t have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.ā€ ā€“ William Least Heat Moon These exact words hit me straight in the heart and this is what always makes me want to forget the world and start a journey into self discovery that I would never forget. No amount of food, technology (even though I'm addicted) can replace the experiences, emotional connect one has with just themselves. That's why travel whenever you get the chance to, irrespective of the fact that it might either be 2 hours away from you or maybe miles further. No place is small or big, just you and your thoughts are what matters. I so knew that if I do begin writing about anything related to travelling, I will definitely slide away from the fashion aspect of it and dive into the emotions involved. But that...


Up until this point,I have usually uploaded all modern, western outfits and looks. It's not about adapting any other culture but that's just how I am and that's my own personal style. But yet something seems incomplete. Even though that represents me and my style and there is yet so much more to me. There is so much more about my ethnicity and background which is still missing.  From my childhood, I have mostly been comfortable in modern, casual clothing but as an Indian, various festivals and events bring out different sides of me. All might be aware of the fact that we Indians have tons of festival and we make the most of every festival. And why shouldn't we? We just need an excuse to have fun and bring more joy in our lives. These festivals not only bring immense pleasure but also makes me rethink and keeps me wanting to go back to my Indian roots. However attracted we might be with the western world, however comfortable we might be in shorts and t shirts, ...