
Showing posts from July, 2016

Smell well with Neesh Perfumes

Hello Guys!! How are you'll doing? So today I'm bringing in something which I received recently. It is going to be extremely helpful and will be a necessity for each and everyone of you out there. As we are aware of the fact that most of the states in India are pretty much hot and humid throughout the year. It becomes necessary for one to stay fresh and smell good throughout the day. Now we can surely save money and invest in one of those high end perfume brands but why to do that when there is a perfume brand available exclusively in India which caters to everyones needs and is long lasting as well as reasonable Neesh perfumes have recently launched 'attars' and it offers a wide range of products which utilises natural and fresh ingredients. 'Attar'  is an essential oil derived from botanical sources. Most commonly these oils are extracted via hydro or steam distillation. They can also be expressed by chemical means but generally natural perfumes, which qualify...

Mixing and matching!!

Heyyy Guys!! I hope you'll are doing wellšŸ˜Š So I have been waiting for a long time to put up this blog post and finally it's happening!!!! My personal style is pretty much wearing jeans or shorts with loose oversized tops or maybe at times just a gunjee with a jacket on. It's all about comfort for me. I never purchase my clothes in sets or combos. I rather prefer to mix and match my clothes because it not only shows a lot of my creativity but also gives a new look at all times. Mixing and matching is just a way of recycling old clothes in my book. Well recently the palazzo trend intrigued me but I wanted to try on something with an edge and not the normal boring plain palazzos. After searching a lot I came across the perfect pair of palazzos in my mother's closet.  The red palazzos from gives an ethnic vibe and is not as flared as the normal palazzos. It comes with a rope on the waist to tighten it and the floral design is just extremely pretty but not too lo...

Maybelline NewYork The Colossal Volume Express Mascara

Hello Guys!!! How are you'll doing? How is the weather in your city treating you? Well here in Mumbai it's raining almost throughout the day and it's pretty gloomy #missingthesun So finally it's been a month since i have started my blog and I'm so joyous and overwhelmed by the response i got from you guys for my blog, instagram and roposo. Thanks a lot guys and continue the love!!! So getting back to the blog, I wanted to share my experience with a beauty product I purchased few weeks back. Well the product is not new to the market but it's the first time I'm ever using it. It seems I'm lagging behind in this world but ya there is always a first for everything. Personally I'm not a makeup addict. I'm more into skincare than makeup. But I do use a few makeup products for my shoots and while attending parties just to look more presentable and ofcourse to hide few acne marks here and there. But I had never ever used any mascara or eyelash...

Patanjali Aloevera Gel Review and Uses

Hey guys!!! How are you'll doing? I was extremely happy with the response I received for the previous blog post which was all about online shopping but in case if you'll still haven't checked it out then do check it out on my blog. OK so getting back to the actual topic of this blog post. Today I'm going to write about the one thing that has been a life saver for me and this will help each and everyone of you out there.  Few years ago, I went through a very rough phase with acne and at times it used to be quite depressing. But then I visited my dermatologist and made changes in my eating habits, started exercising and also used the right products which made a drastic change on my skin.  Though medicines give the acquired result but it's pretty temporary and we can't have medicines for the rest of our lives. That's when there is only one thing which is of help and that is our grandmother's age old kitchen secrets. Not only they are natural, i...